




  Mr. Qing is an Editor-in-Chief of < The art of Chinese Clarinet >.which is an in-house publication at Chinese Clarinet Association. He is a member of musicians association of China , He studied Clarinet at the Central Conservatory of Music in 1959-1965 and then worked at Xin Jiang military art troupe. He joined the musical creation team at Xin Jiang military art troupe,which provided many opportunities for him to collect local folk music and ballads. He wrote many musical melodies and researched the local music during the working period in Xin Jiang. He has been working at China Film Symphony Orchestra since 1978 and he is a first-class national musician.

  He was enthusiastic about clarinet teaching and popularizing clarinet in China He tries to search new teaching techniques for fundamental clarinet learning and advocates the integration of Chinese national and musical elements during clarinet teaching process.

  He was the major designer and project planer of two Clarinet tutorial publications and created over one hundred clarinet etudes for youth.

  His contribution in clarinet teaching has made great effects during teaching process.

  His major publications include the Practical Tutorial:the Foundation of Clarinet,fundamental tutorial for clarinet, the tutorial for Clarinet Performance Examination, Chinese Clarinet Collection:How to improve clarinet performance level. English for music dictionary, I want to learn Clarinet.

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